Quebec Trip Update 7.23.09

Hello from Quebec!

We have had a very full day, but an awesome one!! We began with camp where we again had almost 40 kids. God has been so faithful in keeping away the rain, and again our day was filled with great weather! As I shared today during the devotion time, about 6 parents gathered around to hear, as well, which was a huge blessing. Please pray for tomorrow, as I will share the Gospel with the kids, and then Ron will have the same opportunity after camp with the kids and their parents at a cookout. Big day, to say the least.

After camp, we enjoyed an afternoon at Arbraska, which is the high ropes course here in Rawdon. It was incredible, and the ones who participated really had a great time! We did the Tarzan jump, the long zipline, and then the extreme course.

We are really tired after a long week, and really appreciate your prayers tomorrow as we close out the week. I only added a couple new pictures, as not many were taken today. But, you will see some from the day, if you want to follow the link:

I will try to have another update tomorrow night before our departure, as I have finally found a couple of places in the village where I can get internet access.