YS Parents Newsletter (6/3/09)


  1. Tools for Parenting Teens
  2. Learn Their Lingo

  3. Movie Reviews

  4. Links to Learn From

  5. A Little Encouragement...And Humor

1. Tools for Parenting Teens
From http://www.realworldparents.com/starters/

Clean Hands Empty Hearts

More than in any other season of life, kids and teenagers are dominated by rules and rewarded for good behavior. Is it surprising that some of them get the idea that what God cares most about it our performance instead…

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Featured Resource: Wisdom On Music, Movies and Television

This book won’t tell your kid what they should not listen to or watch. Instead, this book is filled with principles to help them gain the wisdom needed to help make wise choices about what they choose to be entertained by.

*Save 20% off the retail price of “Wisdom On Music, Movies and Television” when you use Coupon Code RWPN105 and order by 6/30/09.


2. Learn Their Lingo

Number “9” = Text or IM lingo for "Parent is watching"

Number “99” = Parent is no longer watching

3. Movie Reviews for Parents


“Up” is a fantastic movie and a natural addition to Pixar’s library. The story is also laugh-out-loud funny, but it’s built on a foundation of…

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Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

The first “Night at the Museum” movie was a big hit with families back in 2006, and we’d expect this madcap, silly misadventure to do…

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4. Links to Learn From

Are Sexy Sims Hurting Girls?

Prepping Kids for College Stress

Study: TV can impair speech development of young children - USATODAY.com

5. A Little Encouragement...And Humor

“Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.”

- Anne Frank