Well, one more mission trip for the summer and we will be finished. This time the destination is to our Samaria, which we have labelled North America. It is so hard to even think about that. This year has simply flown by! It has been a hard, tiring summer, but an incredible one as I have had the opportunity to watch our students serve and grow.
Our last stop is to Rawdon, Quebec, Canada. We will be once again partnering with Ron Young, who is a church-planter from Georgia. We will be working with his church, Renaissance, in facilitating a baseball camp for the children in the area. He tells me that 30+ kids are already signed up, with the hopes that the numbers will be well into the 40's by the time camp starts on Monday.
The members of our team are:
Jason Engle
Michelle Dodson
Annie Hoxie
Rachel Creel
Bethany Rauscher
Noelle Hayward
Scott Brooks
Caleb Sharpe
At the end of the week, Annie and Noelle will stay behind and be joined by Sonya Hoxie, Barbara Anderson and Kimmi Anderson in order to help with the soccer camp that takes place the following week. So, please especially pray for Noelle and Annie as they will be in Rawdon for 2 whole weeks!
As for our team, please pray for a couple of specific requests:
1. Of course, travel. On-time planes and safety for our team.
2. Weather! Ron tells me it has been really rainy the past several days, and the forecast calls for rain for 3 of the 5 days we will have camp. Pray that God would send the rain to North Carolina next week, instead!
3. For the children who come and hear the Gospel. Pray that God would continue to work in their hearts as they hear His story. Some of these students will have participated in a basketball camp already. Pray for some new children to show up for our camp.
4. Pray for the parents of the children, as Ron will share the Gospel with them on Friday.
5. Pray for our families as we leave them for 8 days. Selfishly, I ask prayer for my wife. This will be the 4th week that I will be away from her this summer...and the 5th that I will have been away from Emma.
Once again, I will be providing updates as much as possible as we are there, so keep checking back here for those. Thanks in advance for the prayers, as we anticipate a big God doing big things through us as we follow His call!